Current Requests for Proposals and Quotations
Learn more about contracting and procurement opportunities with the National Forest Foundation here.
Learn more about contracting and procurement opportunities with the National Forest Foundation here.
The National Forest Foundation (NFF) is seeking proposals for implementation of fuel reduction work on the High Sierra Front Country Fuel Break, located near the community of Shaver Lake.
This project will implement mastication of brush and small trees, biomass removal of standing dead trees or large diameter down logs, and hand thinning and/or piling small diameter fuels for burning on private property to complete installation or maintenance of a defensible fuel break area inside State Responsibility fire protection area .
Pre-Bid Meeting:
A pre-bid tour will be held on October 16 at 3:00 p.m. at Vista (“Lookout”) Point.
Responses should be emailed by October 23, 2024.
Ivy Kostick, [email protected]