During summertime, Crested Butte locals take advantage of their close proximity to the Gunnison National Forest by taking to the trails. There is a big presence of hikers, mountain bikers, motorized bikers, and horseback riders in the community. The Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association (CMBA) and the Crested Butte Conservation Corps (CBCC) work hard to ensure that their beloved trails are in the best shape for all users. Being avid users of the trails themselves, CMBA recognized that as visitor use increases each year, the need to keep trails sustainable to ensure backcountry conservation also grows.
Beginning to build the trail higher to avoid the impacts of erosion and to keep users safe.
The NFF is partnering with CBCC and the Gunnison Ranger District to support efforts in trail construction, outreach, maintenance and clean-up throughout the Gunnison Valley. The CBCC works in conjunction with the Gunnison Ranger District to identify areas of high impact that require impact mitigation. Conservation Corps members also provide physical support during high use times of the season to provide education and outreach.
CBCC talks with local students with the Rocky Mountain Bio Lab about what they do.
In 2019, the Gunnison County Stewardship Fund is proud to support the Crested Butte Conservation Corps during the inaugural round of grant-making. This program is a major community initiative that is coordinated between NFF and the Gunnison County Sustainable Outdoor Tourism & Recreation Committee and supported by Crested Butte Mountain Resort (Vail Resorts), Irwin Guides, Gunnison County, Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District, Mt. Emmons Mining Company and other local partners.
Volunteers working to build the trail up in order to make it safer for the various users.
To find out more about this CMBA and see how you can get involved, visit their website at https://crestedbuttemountainbike.com/conservation-corps/