National Forest Foundation | From Theory to Practice | National…

From Theory to Practice

Photo by Aaron Olsen.

From Theory to Practice: Landscape-Level Restoration Principles to Implementing Priority Work on the Ground

Objectives: Demonstrate and discuss methods for expanding project planning from stand- to landscape-based planning in the face of climate change. Drawing from the recent publication, Restoring fire-prone Inland Pacific landscapes: Seven core principles, share examples from planning efforts in multi-jurisdictional, fire-prone, mixed-conifer forests in the Northern Rockies. Discuss, capture, and disseminate successes and challenges encountered during landscape-based project planning.

During this workshop, participants learned about projects that incorporate the seven principles. Recognizing that we have a lot of experience with landscape assessments, we challenged participants to consider the following: How can we move from the assessment phase to managing at landscape scales? How can we be successful in this paradigm shift? Where are the challenges?

View the Workshop Notes here.

This workshop was sponsored and organized by the following partners: