National Forest Foundation | Shoshone Benewah Forest Health…

Shoshone Benewah Forest Health Collaborative

Shoshone Benewah Forest Health Collaborative's Approach

The Shoshone Benewah Forest Health Collaborative is comprised of a diverse array of stakeholders, including Shoshone & Benewah County Commissioners, Benewah County Natural Resources committee members, civic associations, representatives from the forest products industry, conservation interests, and State agencies. Shoshone and Benewah counties both contain large portions of the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Shoshone Benewah Forest Health Collaborative primary focuses their efforts on the Coeur d’Alene River and St. Joe River Ranger Districts.

The impetus to form this collaborative came from seeing a need to increase the pace and scale of forest restoration and sustain the timber jobs within the local counties and region. The National Forest Foundation began facilitating this group in 2021 and now supports the groups bi-monthly convenings.

Meetings and Documents

The SBFHC meets every other month. Contact the group's facilitator (below) to receive updates and meeting agendas.

For more info about the SBFHC, please contact

Emily Jochem, Partnership Coordinator, at 406.946.1754 or [email protected]