National Forest Foundation | Ski Conservation and Forest Stewardship…

Ski Conservation Fund and Forest Stewardship Fund

Supporting Places You Play

The National Forest Foundation Ski Conservation FundTM (SCF) and Forest Stewardship Fund (FSF) provide funding for action-oriented on-the-ground or citizen-based monitoring projects that improve forest health and outdoor experiences on National Forests and Grasslands. Award funds come from guest contributions at ski areas and lodges operating on or adjacent to National Forest System lands, with added National Forest Foundation federal funds for SCF.

Granting Process

The grant application process for Ski Conservation Funds and Forest Stewardship Funds varies based on location and funding source. With one exception, grants are invitation-only and projects to be funded are determined based on local Forest Service priorities.

Applications are currently accepted through an annual open competitive grant round for the following fund. For more information see the RFP below.

  • White River National Forest Ski Conservation Fund (application deadline December 20, 2020)

For the following funds, grant applications are invitation-only. For more information about these funds, contact Emily Olsen (720-219-0682).

  • San Juan Stewardship Fund / San Juan National Forest
  • Gunnison County Stewardship Fund / Gunnison Ranger District of the GMUG National Forest
  • Telluride Stewardship Fund / Telluride District of the GMUG National Forest

Grants are made on an invitation-only basis for all other locations and funds.

Proposal Deadlines for Competitive Round(s)

White River National Forest
December 20, 2020 at 11:59 pm MST

Photo by Jack Affleck

Eligible Projects

SCF and FSF support the implementation of on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects that have an immediate, quantifiable impact on the National Forest System. These projects provide a lasting impact to the lands, waters, and wildlife of the National Forest System through the alteration of the physical environment.

Key additional requirements include:

  • All SCF and FSF projects must advance one or both of the NFF’s strategic focus areas of Outdoor Experiences and Forest Health
  • SCF and FSF projects are geographically restricted to the same National Forests from which individual guests contributions originated.
  • SCF and FSF awards require a 50% nonfederal match of cash or in-kind contributions.
  • All applications must include a letter of support from the District Ranger of each National Forest or Grassland unit included in a proposal.

Full eligibility information and application requirements are available in each fund's Request for Proposals (RFP) document.

Applicant Eligibility

501(c)3 nonprofits, universities, state and local government entities, and federally recognized Native American tribes are eligible to receive SCF and FSF grants. If an organization does not meet this eligibility requirement, it must utilize an eligible fiscal sponsor, in compliance with the NFF Policy on Fiscal Sponsorship.

More Information

Additional information for ski areas and resorts interested in participating in this program is available here: more information for SCF and FSF business partners.


If you have questions not answered on these webpages or in the available Requests for Proposals, please contact

Kerry Morse, Conservation Awards Manager, at 406.830.3358 or [email protected]