National Forest Foundation | Alaska Cabins Project

Alaska Cabins Project

The Tongass and Chugach National Forests in Alaska offer opportunities for remote adventures and experiences. On these National Forests, visitors can hike in rainforests, walk on glaciers, watch brown bears catching salmon, and, if it is the right time of year, see the northern lights. It was the remote nature of visiting these Forests and the unpredictable Alaskan weather that led the Forest Service to develop cabins for the public to use starting in the 1930s. Today there are nearly 200 cabins available for the public to reserve, providing visitors with a safe place to explore our nation’s two largest National Forests. The NFF is excited to contribute to the history of providing cabins to the public by partnering with the Forest Service to construct and renovate cabins on Alaska’s National Forests.

Need For Renovations and New Cabins

Many existing cabins have experienced decades of use and need repairs and renovations. From sinking foundations and leaking roofs, to replacing furniture, there are a variety of updates that are needed. In addition, the growing interest in recreation in Southeast and Southcentral Alaska has created a demand for cabin rentals that far exceeds availability.

PHOTO: The Big Shaheen Cabin was built on the Tongass by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1938.

This is why we are partnering with the Forest Service on the Alaska Cabins Project to construct approximately 25 new cabins and repair or reconstruct approximately 10 existing cabins. This project expands upon our existing work in public-use cabins. Since 2019, the NFF and local partners have renovated nine cabins and built one new cabin, with major support from Rasmuson Foundation. You can read more about the improvements we made to the Allen Point and Kanga Bay Cabins.

PHOTO: The Berners Bay Cabin benefited from renovations in partnership with Alaskan Brewing Company.

The NFF is joining forces with the Forest Service to strengthen the public-use cabin program across Alaska. Together, we will be able to build more, fix more, and accomplish more with the opportunity at hand. The NFF is committed to raising $3.7 million in matching funds to bolster this effort. The Forest Service conducted outreach to the public and asked for input on favored cabin locations. Using that input, the Forest Service will examine suitability of locations, conduct environmental analysis, and decide where cabins should be located.

We hope you are interested in joining us in the Alaska Cabins Project and leaving a legacy for future visitors to enjoy the wonder that are the Tongass and Chugach National Forests. You can donate here or contact Patrick Shannon for any questions.

PHOTO: The new Goose Bay Cabin on the Chugach, constructed by a contractor hired by the NFF in 2021.


Patrick Shannon, at [email protected]