National Forest Foundation | Front Range Trail Stewardship Strike Team

Front Range Trail Stewardship Strike Team

The Front Range Trail Stewardship Strike Team is a partnership between the USDA Forest Service, NFF, and Mile High Youth Corps to address trail needs along the Front Range from Colorado Springs to Boulder on the Arapaho, Roosevelt, Pike, and San Isabel National Forests.

These forests have seen a dramatic increase of use in the face of recent metro-area population growth. In addition, trail use on the Front Range has reached historic levels since the pandemic started. Trail access has played an important role in both mental and physical health for Front Range residents. With increased trails management needs, this strike team is poised to complete work where it is needed most. Prioritized by the Forest Service, the trail projects have strong community support as they are among the most heavily used in the metro region.

Click here to read the partnership announcement with VF Foundation.

Explore the StoryMap below to learn more about the program accomplishments. Click here to open the StoryMap in a new window.

Recent Social Media Posts

Strike Team Project Work

The Strike Team works across four Ranger Districts.