National Forest Foundation | The Sapling Program Frequently Asked…

The Sapling Program Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how your business or organization can support National Forests

What is The Sapling Program?

The Sapling Program is for companies that want to solidify their environmental commitment, but have a limited budget or are not interested in a more formal agreement. Many of our members are startup companies or small-scale local or regional businesses. Many are larger companies that simply want to plant trees.

All members are part of a larger coalition of tree-planting partners and donors who support our efforts in reforesting areas that need it most across the National Forest System.

Is There a Minimum Donation?

Because the NFF manages many different members that require our time and attention, the NFF requires a one-time enrollment fee of $100, which supports program administration. Once enrolled, all future donations will support our tree-planting campaign, where every dollar donated plants a tree.

To maintain an active partnership, we require a minimum donation of $200 every twelve months.

For your convenience, you may set your donations up on a recurring basis and your gift will process automatically.

Can I Mention Our Partnership with the NFF on My Website and in Other Communications?

Yes! Once the $100 enrollment is paid and you begin making tree-planting donations, Sapling members can mention the NFF partnership on their website and are welcome to use the Sapling Program badge, and other materials found in the resource kit. Sapling members can also share our tree planting campaign videos, crediting the NFF, and post about the partnership on their social media.

We ask that all partners submit draft text about the partnership to Abby at [email protected] for review prior to publishing to ensure it aligns with NFF messaging.

Please note that use of the official NFF logo is not permitted for Sapling members.

Where Will My Trees be Planted?

As an Sapling member, we direct your donation to the areas of greatest need on National Forests. Your donations will be pooled with other donations to fund projects in our general reforestation fund, which supports a wide variety of projects across National Forests. Because reforestation needs change on an annual basis, so do the projects and National Forests we support. Visit our online map to see all projects supported by year.

Want to learn more about where we’ve planted in the past? Read our latest impact report.

What Does My Money Actually Support?

The NFF plants one tree for every dollar donated. Your donations help provide seedlings that are then planted by the Forest Service. For every dollar donated, the Forest Service invests $2 in these important projects in the form of seed sourcing, identifying the areas in most need of tree planting, contracting the labor, and providing follow-up care to ensure the seedlings survive.

Learn more about our reforestation process and partnership with the U.S. Forest Service.

Can My Membership "Grow" into a Corporate Partnership, Where Use of the NFF Logo and Other Benefits are Available?

Absolutely! Our corporate partnerships begin at the $10,000 level, and if your small business partnership reaches this threshold within a 12-month period, it can receive the benefits of a corporate partnership for the remainder of that period.

I Have More Questions About Your Tree Planting Campaign.

Please visit our tree planting FAQs page for more information on our general Reforestation Program.

I Have More Questions About The Sapling Program.

Please contact Abby Schembra, Reforestation Partnerships Coordinator, at [email protected]

I am Ready to Enroll.