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Collaborative Restoration Workshop

Working Toward Resilient Landscapes and Communities


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The 2016 Collaborative Restoration Workshop was a forum for sharing innovative approaches to collaborative restoration, tools, and lessons about planning, implementing, and monitoring restoration efforts on and around National Forest System lands. Through a series of plenary sessions and five breakout tracks, participants engaged deeply in discussing the successes, challenges, and critical questions facing community partners, the U.S. Forest Service, and others working on collaborative efforts. Through the lenses of science, collaboration, planning, and monitoring, participants thought critically about amplifying restoration and working together towards success in the future.

“The CRW was well-organized, and a model of how to manage sessions like this.”

Collaborative Restoration Workshop Participant, Post-Workshop Evaluation

Workshop Plenary Session Live Recordings

Workshop Summaries

Tuesday, April 26th Concurrent Panels

Objective: Describe the constraints and complexities of planning at the landscape scale, and share lessons related to, for example, fire management, urban development, land fragmentation, wildlife management, and invasive species.


  • Provide effective approaches of integrating science into action
  • Highlight examples of collaboration amongst multiple scientists to develop research that can be integrated into planning and implementation


  • Shed light on the legal and policy context for collaboration
  • Clarify common terms, and distinguish between a collaborative effort and group
  • Share insights, lessons, and experiences around the question of collaboration “ripeness,” and knowing when collaboration is the right tool to address conflict.


  • Provide information on the steps agency staff must take after a signed decision to prepare a project for implementation
  • Provide examples of innovative technology and approaches to project layout for implementation

Objectives: This session introduced data modeling tools and metrics that have been successful in monitoring large scale forest projects. Remote sensing data continues to improve and modelling tools are becoming increasingly accessible. Large-scale monitoring tools not only assist in identifying management opportunities and priorities, they also add transparency and shared knowledge to collaborative efforts.


  • Describe methods to determine where and how to select forest projects on the landscape (i.e., through five-year plans, IRR prioritization, and other mid-range planning efforts)
  • Share advice, strategies, and lessons from engaging collaboratively in mid-range planning efforts


  • Provide examples of where science modeling and cost/benefit analysis guide restoration design and implementation
  • Provide examples of how best to incorporate traditional knowledge into restoration planning


  • Share tools and resources available to aid collaborative groups and build collaborative capacity

Objective: Provide an overview of stewardship authority and examples of how it can be used efficiently

Objective: Discuss the following questions: What is adaptive management for federal land managers? How does adaptive management differ from research? How do non-federal partners successfully contribute to adaptive management on federal lands? How adaptive are our federal partners? What are limitations to adaptability when compared to private lands?


  • Discuss the 2012 Planning Rule framework, with a special focus on “collaboration”
  • Share lessons from “early adopter” plan revision efforts
  • Discuss how forests are integrating public values into the planning process


  • Provide examples of how to successfully engage partners and the public in science and planning
  • Provide an example of how to incorporate citizen-based input to develop science questions

Objective: From multiple perspectives, discuss the Front Range Roundtable’s story, including how the group formed, important considerations made by members while launching and nurturing the effort, the decision-making or governance structure, role of the Forest Service, overcoming challenges, and thoughts on the group’s future.

Objective: Highlight examples of implementation across boundaries including examples of using Good Neighbor Authority and the Tribal Forest Protection Act


  • Discuss how to example social attitudes toward restoration using surveys and other tools
  • Demonstrate how collaborative economic monitoring augments Forest Service monitoring

Wednesday, April 27th Concurrent Panels

Objective: Describe innovative, collaborative projects, including: Mill Creek A to Z Stewardship Project on the Colville National Forest, Bottom Canyon on the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, and the North Shore Restoration Project on the Superior National Forest

Objective: Provide case studies of applied ecological science from different biomes to look at efforts to integrate science and restoration action among groups with diverse social, economic, and personal values.

Objective: From multiple perspectives, discuss the West Virginia Restoration Venture’s story, including how the stakeholders came together, important considerations made by members while launching and nurturing the effort, the decision-making structure, role of the Forest Service, overcoming challenges, and thoughts on the group’s future.


  • Review incentives and efforts to reduce the cost of biomass removal
  • Provide examples of different scales of utilization of biomass


  • Highlight application of key indicators and metrics for ecosystem resiliency
  • Discuss broad monitoring initiatives and emerging questions, struggles, and challenges that lie ahead, with a specific focus on resilience

Objective: Introduce new, innovative, and emerging tools to prioritize and plan restoration projects, including:

  • Integrated Landscape Analysis Program (ILAP)
  • Policy mechanisms to support tool development in DOI, and the importance of cross-fertilization when it comes to innovation with collaborative restoration; and,
  • Project prioritization process, in coordination with a local collaborative group, on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

Objective: Discuss how climate information at management scales can aid in restoration decision-making

Objective: Shed light on the challenges of collaboration from the Forest Service and partner perspectives, addressing questions such as: What does the Forest Service have to consider when working with a collaborative group or effort? From the Forest Service perspective, what are key components of a valuable, effective relationship with a collaborative group?

Objective: Provide examples of innovative approaches to funding the implementation of restoration projects


  • Highlight key innovations from collaborative monitoring programs
  • Demonstrate innovative integration of ecological, social and economic elements
  • Share tools and techniques to integrate citizen science
  • Provide examples of data sharing among partnering entities for federal landscapes

Thursday Sessions

CFLRP: Looking Back, Looking Forward


  • Support shared learning on common opportunities and challenges
  • Build a foundation for an ongoing community of practice to improve project implementation and outcomes
  • Bring together USFS staff and partners to strengthen our communications about the CFLR Program amongst projects and with partners, media, and other key groups to support a shared understanding of the Program and support for its success
  • Generate and capture key lessons learned from the first years of program implementation
  • Gather key input from restoration practitioners on needs and expectations beyond FY2019 when the authorization is currently set to expire

Restoration of Sage-Grouse Habitat Concurrent with Land Management Activities


  • Provide overview of the cultural setting the grazing management and sage grouse habitat management occurs in.
  • Provide high level information about , sage grouse and sage brush steppe biology and ecology.
  • Provide high level information about invasive species impacts to sage-grouse ecosystem and the steps we are taking to control invasive annual grasses.
  • Provide a forum to explore models to build collaboratives that may be specific to sage grouse management and grazing management.

    Water Stewardship and Climate Change

    Expected Outcomes:

    • Overview of latest climate science as it relates to the impact of climate change on water and other related resources.
    • Improved understanding of tools to assess risks to water related resources such as infrastructure, fisheries, hydrology, and recreation with the intent to inform restoration priorities and set priorities.
    • Learning from the field – case studies and partnerships across various landscapes – an opportunity to dialogue with resource practitioners about future needs, challenges and opportunities.
    • Identify critical challenges and needs to inform decision-making for water stewardship.

    Social Media & Photos

    Check out these blog posts from participants:

    The National Forest Foundation was proud to host this workshop with support from several generous sponsors!

    Title Sponor

    Event Sponsors

    “All thanks to NFF and all those who assisted in developing the agenda and concepts for this workshop! It was an awesome week of idea sharing and networking! Definitely time and money well spent and I hope we can continue to capitalize on the momentum going forward.”

    Tera Little, Collaborative Restoration Workshop, 2016