National Forest: Tongass National Forest, Alaska

Nearest major town or city: Juneau, Alaska

Situated just 12 miles from downtown Juneau, Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center is a very accessible point to view the massive glacier. Overlooking the Mendenhall Valley, the visitor center was built in 1962 and was the first in the National Forest System. Today, more than 400,000 people visit annually to experience not only the glacier but the entire area. Within the visitor center, you can watch a short film, relax in the glacier observation area, and learn about the glacier and the surrounding landscape. Take a stroll along the lake to magnificent Nugget Falls or hike another nearby trail for sweeping views of the Tongass National Forest.

Learn more and plan your visit:

Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center

Mendenhall Glacier

Steep Creek Bear Viewing near Mendenhall Glacier.

Photo by Ethan Ableman

Nugget Falls near Mendenhall Glacier.

National Forest Foundation