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Explore the projects that received funding through the Ski Conservation Fund and Forest Stewardship Fund programs in recent years.
Note: the years listed below correspond to the NFF's fiscal year.
Colorado Mountain Club
Blanco Ranger District Trail Clearing
To address trail clearing and maintenance priorities on the White River National Forest Blanco Ranger District, prioritizing the District's trail system maintenance backlog.
White River National Forest | CO
Conservation Legacy
Cutthroat Trail Construction - Phase II
To continue construction of the new Cutthroat Trail, including 1-1.5 miles of new trail construction between Pasture Creek and Sig Creek Campground.
San Juan National Forest | CO
Conservation Legacy
Norwood Ranger District Trail Maintenance
To employ six corps members, one crew leader in development, and one crew leader to complete trail maintenance on the East Fork of Bear Creek Trail, Jud Wiebe Trail, Liberty Bell Trail, Sheridan Crosscut Trail, Wasatch Trail, and Whipple Trail.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests | CO
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation
2021 Community Watershed Stewardship Program
To employ five trails crew and two invasive weeds crew members, and utilize approximately 700 volunteers, to implement a community and partnership-driven stewardship program focusing on invasive weeds and trail maintenance in the Tri-Canyons area.
Uinta Wasatch Cache National Forest | UT
Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association
2021 Crested Butte Conservation Corps
To support the Gunnison Ranger District in building and improving designated camping infrastructure, increasing signage and messaging, performing trail maintenance, facilitating backcountry cleanup, and mitigating trail impacts.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests | CO
Eagle River Watershed Council
French Creek Aquatic Organism Passage Project
To maintain access for forest management, recreation, and unimpeded movement of fish, amphibians, and small mammals, while reducing the likelihood of road failure and habitat/water supply degradation, an undersized culvert will be replaced.
White River National Forest | CO
Eagle Summit Wilderness Alliance
WeedSpotters Season 3: Continued Suppression of Noxious Weeds
To control and suppress the spread of noxious weeds into three Wilderness Areas of Summit and Eagle Counties, the program will continue to treat invasive species infestations, verify treatment efficacy, locate new infestations and educate the public.
White River National Forest | CO
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness
Engaging Partners in Forest Stewardship
To provide youth and local partners with opportunities to engage in on the ground stewardship projects.
Idaho Panhandle National Forest | ID
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
Volunteer Days on the Arctic Placer Trail
To to organize and host three volunteer days with at least 45 volunteers, working collaboratively with other partners to complete at least 1.25 miles of new trail.
White River National Forest | CO
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
2021 Forest Stewards Program
To promote volunteer stewardship of the White River National Forest and complete needed trail maintenance projects.
White River National Forest | CO
Gunnison Trails
2021 Professional Trail Crew
To employ eight crew members (4-6 of high school or college age) to assist the BLM and USFS in maintaining trails on public lands across Gunnison County, as well as mitigating impacts from camping and recreation.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests | CO
Mesa Youth Services, Inc.
East Zone Invasive Plant Control, Year 3
To apply integrated invasive plant management that will result in enhancing big game winter range, protection of wilderness values, restoring natural plant community and controlling the introduction and spread of noxious weeds.
White River National Forest | CO
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
2021 Volunteer Projects
To engage more than 600 volunteers in stewardship projects on nine different project sites in the Sopris, Rifle, and Eagle Ranger Districts in 2021. Volunteers will participate in trail maintenance, restoration, and fire restoration projects.
White River National Forest | CO
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - Colorado
Corps Partnerships in Forest Health
To engage Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crews to accomplish priority projects on the White River National Forest over the course of 21 crew weeks. The RMYC crews gain valuable skills while completing meaningful service.
White River National Forest | CO
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - Colorado
Arctic Placer Trail
To engage a youth crew for a minimum of 320 work hours to construct an additional 2,000 feet of trail and construct a 60-foot bridge on the Arctic Placer multi-use Trail in Summit County, Colorado.
White River National Forest | CO
Telluride Mountain Club
Jud Wiebe Trail Replacement Bridge
To construct and install a Jud Wiebe Trail Replacement Bridge over Cornet Creek in the Uncompahgre National Forest. This popular trail sees 25,000+ hikers annually and is in desperate need of a new bridge at this creek crossing site.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forest | CO
Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association
Eagle County Adopt-A-Trail and Trail Conservation Crew
To fund a seasonal, full time Trail Conservation Crew who will lead Adopt-A-Trail teams on trail maintenance and restoration projects in Eagle County including two reroutes, performing trail maintenance and providing trailhead education and outreach.
White River National Forest | CO
Walking Mountains Science Center
Natural Resource Internship and Community Conservation
To partner with the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District to restore and enhance landscapes by engaging local high school youth and volunteers in important on-the-ground conservation work.
White River National Forest | CO
Washington State Department of Ecology
Skykomish Trail Improvements
To support two Washington Conservation Corps crews to complete maintenance on two trails in the Skykomish Ranger District.
Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest | WA
Wilderness Workshop
Habitat Restoration Program
To provide on the ground benefits to ecosystems, and to deepen the connection of local communities to surrounding public lands by partnering with the Forest Service on four restoration projects.
White River National Forest | CO
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Peaks Trail Community Restoration Project
To engage a community of diverse volunteers in the decommissioning and reconstruction of structures on the Peaks Trail over the course of two years, with Year One addressing the three most degraded drainage-crossing structures on the trail.
White River National Forest | CO
Colorado Mountain Club
Blanco Ranger District Trail Clearing
To address trail clearing priorities as well as TRACS data collection on the White River National Forest Blanco Ranger District, addressing the District's trail system maintenance backlog.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Conservation Legacy
Cutthroat Trail Construction
To employ four Southwest Conservation Corps members to construct Phase 1 of the Cutthroat Trail, three miles of trail to be located between Cascade Divide Road/FSR 579 in the east and Sigg Creek Campground in the west.
San Juan National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Purgatory Resort and the San Juan Stewardship Fund, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Conservation Legacy
Wasatch and Telluride-Area Trail Maintenance
To employ six Southwest Conservation Corps members to maintain high use trails on the Norwood Ranger District within close proximity of Telluride, Colorado.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Telluride Ski and Golf Company, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Continental Divide Trail Coalition
Continental Divide Trail Maintenance on the White River National Forest
To rehabilitate and maintain a high-volume one-mile segment of the Continental Divide Trail that has suffered from the results of erosion and high-use by engaging Latino Outdoors and Native Women's Wilderness members in a one-day stewardship event.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation
2020 Community Watershed Stewardship Program
To continue a volunteer, community, and partnership driven stewardship program focusing on invasive weeds mitigation, trail maintenance, and restoration in the Cottonwood Canyons and Millcreek Canyon.
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest | UT
Funded through contributions from guests of Snowbird Resort, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Eagle River Watershed Council
Wearyman Creek Watershed Restoration
To rehabilitate the deteriorating upper section of Wearyman Creek Road to correct drainage issues and assess serious degradation of the lower section of Wearyman Creek Road through data collection, assessment, & subsequent project design.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Eagle Summit Wilderness Alliance
2020 Infestation Management Project: Expanded Suppression of Noxious Weeds in Wilderness Areas
To control and suppress the spread of noxious weeds in three wilderness areas of Summit and Eagle Counties by treating invasive species infestations, locating new infestations and educating the public on the problem.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Colonel Bob Trail Work on the Olympic National Forest
To employ up to twelve young adult corps members (two crews of six) to complete critical trail maintenance on the Colonel Bob Trail in the Olympic National Forest near Quinault, WA.
Olympic National Forest | WA
Funded through contributions from guests of Lake Quinault Lodge
Friends of Pathways
Cache Creek and Game Creek Trail Improvements
To improve trail conditions on two of the most popular trails in Jackson WY, Friends of Pathways will employee a Youth Trail Crew and hire an MCC Crew to work closely with the Bridger-Teton National Forest to address a vital backlog of maintenance.
Bridger-Teton National Forest |
Funded through contributions from guests of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Friends of the Bridger-Teton
2020 Bridger Teton Stewardship Projects
To employ volunteers in on-the-ground improvement projects on high priority projects across the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
Bridger-Teton National Forest | WY
Funded through contributions from guests of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Snow King Resort, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
Tenderfoot Trail System and Indiana Creek Aquatic Organism Passage & Restoration Projects
To improve the Town of Breckenridge's municipal drinking water supply, improve access for wildlife protection and mitigation activities and to construct up to two miles of the Tenderfoot Mountain Trail in the Dillon Ranger District.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
2020 Forest Stewards Program
To implement on-the-ground volunteer and youth projects with the goals of maintaining and restoring natural resources, improving the quality of multiple recreationists' experiences, and minimizing threats to the National Forest.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Arapahoe Basin Ski Area, Vail Resorts, and Copper Mountain, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
MobilizeGreen Recreation, Wilderness and Trails Interns
To engage interns in the management of public lands, working on recreation, trails, and wilderness programs. The interns will gain skills in public land management while conducting projects that protect and improve natural resources.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
2020 Volunteer Projects
To engage more than 550 volunteers to accomplish trail and conversation projects on the Sopris, Rifle and Eagle Ranger Districts in 2020 by organizing and implementing four large public projects and 25 Group Adult/Youth Work Days.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - Colorado
Youth Leadership in Forest Conservation
To engage Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crews to accomplish USFS priorities on priority project areas on the White River National Forest over the course of 25 crew weeks. The RMYC crews gain valuable skills while completing meaningful service.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts and Copper Mountain, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
San Juan Trail Riders
Columbine Ranger District Motorized Trail Maintenance
To engage volunteers in clearing and general maintenance of multi-use trails in the Columbine Ranger District, particularly those open to motorized use in Beaver Meadows and the Hermosa Creek Drainage.
San Juan National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions to the San Juan Stewardship Fund, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Summit County
East Zone Invasive Plant Control, Year 3
To reduce and/or eradicate noxious weeds on USFS properties located within Summit County, Colorado and prevent the displacement of native plants and wildlife.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Trails 2000
Cutthroat Trail Construction
To provide trail clearing work associated with Cutthroat Trail Construction on the San Juan National Forest.
San Juan National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Purgatory Resort matched with federal funds from the National Forest, and other contributions to the San Juan Stewardship Fund Foundation
Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association
Eagle County Adopt A Trail and Cougar Ridge Trail Restoration
To lead volunteers in trail maintenance and restoration projects on trails in Eagle County and to reroute unsustainable sections of the Cougar Ridge Trail in Minturn.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
White River National Forest 2020 Recreation and Habitat Enhancements
To improve recreational trails and wildlife habitat in the White River National Forest, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado will engage 115 volunteers on three stewardship projects in partnership with local user groups.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts and Copper Mountain, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Walking Mountains Science Center
Natural Resource Internship and Community Conservation Program
To successfully partner with the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District in restoring and enhancing landscapes while engaging high school interns and local volunteers.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Wilderness Workshop
Habitat Restoration Program
To partner with the Forest Service on restoration projects to accomplish two important goals: providing on the ground benefits to ecosystems and deepening the connection of local residents to surrounding public lands.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Hippo Trail Reroute Phase II
To engage diverse community volunteers in re-routing a critical non-motorized Continental Divide Connector Trail away from a sensitive sub-alpine wetland and creek as recommended in the 2011 White River National Forest Travel Management Plan.
White River National Forest | CO
Funded through contributions from guests of Vail Resorts and Copper Mountain, matched with federal funds from the National Forest Foundation
Colorado Mountain Club
Flat Tops Wilderness Trail Maintenance and Volunteer Project
To undertake trail clearing and maintenance activities on the White River National Forest Blanco Ranger District to address the trail system maintenance backlog and host a volunteer conservation and trail maintenance project with youth participants.
White River National Forest
Conservation Legacy
Lincoln National Forest Wilderness Recreation Recovery
To rehabilitate and repair trails in areas of the White Mountain Wilderness that have been heavily impacted by recent heavy wind storms. This work will re-open areas for hunting, fishing, horse packing and hiking.
Lincoln National Forest
Conservation Legacy
Trail Improvements at Boss Lake and Monarch Nordic Area
To employ eight youth corps members to support trail improvement projects on the Salida Ranger District near Poncha Springs, CO.
Pike-San Isabel National Forest
Conservation Legacy
Trail Maintenance and Reconstruction on the Norwood Ranger District
To employ eight youth corps members to maintain high use trails on the Norwood Ranger District within close proximity to Telluride, CO.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre & Gunnsion National Forest
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation
2019 Community Watershed Stewardship Program
To continue a volunteer, community, and partnership-driven stewardship program focusing on invasive weed mitigation, trail maintenance, and restoration in the Cottonwood Canyons and Millcreek Canyon of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest.
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest
Eagle River Watershed Council
Upper Piney River Watershed Restoration
To utilize volunteers to improve cutthroat trout habitat and watershed health through the rehabilitation of a closed road and dispersed campsites that are impacting stream and riparian conditions in the Piney River.
White River National Forest
Youth Corps Work on the Olympic and Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forests
To employ six young adult corps members to brush three miles of the Colonel Bob Trail in the Olympic National Forest. In addition, a similar crew will construct a rock wall and replace bridge decking on the Heather Lake Trail in the MBSNF.
Olympic and Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forests
Capitan Peak Trail, 80 Years Later
To restore the Capitan Peak and Summit Trails in the Capitan Mountain Wilderness Area by removing over 300 downed trees and clearing live trees and noxious weeds from the trail and adjacent campsites.
Lincoln National Forest
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
2019 Forest Stewards Program
To complete numerous trail building and maintenance projects, and numerous forest health projects, in the Dillon Ranger District.
White River National Forest
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
2019 Tenderfoot Trail System Improvements
To construct up to two miles of trail in the Tenderfoot Mountain Trail System on the Dillon Ranger District of the White River National Forest.
White River National Forest
Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness
2019 Infestation Management Project: Suppression of Noxious Weeds in Three Wilderness Areas
To control the spread of noxious weeds in the Ptarmigan Peak, Eagles Nest, and Holy Cross Wilderness areas, treating specific noxious weed infestation sites through an ongoing Infestation Management Program in coordination with the Forest Service.
White River National Forest
Mesa Youth Services, Inc.
East Zone Invasive Plant Control, Year 2
To apply integrated invasive plant management that will result in enhancing big game winter range, protection of wilderness values, restoration of natural plant communities and control of the introduction and spread of noxious weeds.
White River National Forest
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
2019 Volunteer Projects
To engage more than 515 volunteers to accomplish trail and conservation projects in the Sopris, Rifle and Eagle Ranger Districts in 2019 by organizing and implementing 4 large public projects and 25 Group/Youth Work Days.
White River National Forest
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - Colorado
Empowering Future Leaders through Service Partnerships
To engage Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crews to accomplish USFS priorities on priority project areas on the White River National Forest over the course of 25 crew weeks. The crews gain valuable skills while completing meaningful service.
White River National Forest
South Central Mountain Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.
Protecting Forest Health By Managing Beetle Damaged Spruce Population
To identify and remove beetle-infested Engleman spruce trees on 100 acres and place pheromone packs in order to suppress populations of spruce beetles and prevent infestation spreading further to adjacent wilderness lands.
Lincoln National Forest
Summit County
2019 East Zone Invasive Plant Control
To locate and treat the noxious weed infested and heavily disturbed areas located within the Ophir Mountain and Gold Hill sites on the White River National Forest in Breckenridge, CO.
White River National Forest
The Greenlands Reserve
Ecological Enhancement of Community Wildfire Breaks and Campgrounds on U.S. Forest Service Lands
To take corrective actions to thin trees and eradicate noxious weeds/invasive plants to enhance ecology in community wildfire breaks and non-hardened campground areas. Work to be performed at strategic locations on U.S. Forest Service lands.
White River National Forest
Trout Unlimited
Monarch Pass Gravel Pit Restoration
To establish native vegetation coverage of 2.5 acres of barren soils at a former gravel mine on Monarch Pass, Colorado. Work will also focus on reducing sedimentation to the upper South Arkansas River through installation of log structures on site.
San Isabel National Forest
Trout Unlimited
Metolius River Habitat Conservation
To engage 20 volunteers, 10 youth crew members, and 100 students in the monitoring and maintenance of Metolius River habitat along 12 miles of the river outside of Camp Sherman, OR.
Deschutes National Forest
Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association
Eagle County Adopt a Trail and North Trail Restoration
To fund a contracted employee who will work for Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association and lead trail maintenance and restoration projects on Eagle County trails and reroute an unsustainable section of the North Trail in Vail.
White River National Forest
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
White River National Forest Volunteer Stewardship Investments - 2019
To foster volunteer engagement while improving recreation amenities and wildlife habitat in the White River National Forest, by engaging 142 volunteers on four projects. The projects will expand trail connectivity, access, and sustainability.
White River National Forest
Walking Mountains Science Center
Natural Resource Internship and Community Conservation Program
To partner with the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District in restoring and enhancing landscapes while engaging high school interns and local volunteers through the Natural Resource Internship and Community Conservation Program.
White River National Forest
Wilderness Workshop
Habitat Restoration Program
To partner with the Forest Service on 5-7 restoration projects to accomplish two important goals: on the ground benefits to ecosystems and deepening the connection of valley residents to the surrounding public lands.
White River National Forest
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Hippo Trail Community Reroute Project
To engage diverse community volunteers in re-routing a critical non-motorized Continental Divide Connector Trail away from a sensitive sub-alpine wetland and creek as recommended in the 2011 White River National Forest Travel Management Plan.
White River National Forest
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies
Hunter Creek Invasive Weed Management
To improve ecosystem health and restore natural plant communities in Hunter Creek, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) will engage in targeted herbicide treatments of non-native invasive plants and native seeding in heavily treated areas.
White River National Forest
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative
White River 14ers Capacity Building and Trail Stewardship
To provide capacity-building support for expanded trail stewardship work on the White River 14ers, as well as trail inventories and hiker counts.
White River National Forest
Colorado Mountain Club
Trail Maintenance on the White River National Forest
To maintain trails on the White River National Forest-Blanco District to address critical trail maintenance issues and bring trail conditions in line with agency standards.
White River National Forest
Conservation Legacy
West Cross Creek Trail Construction
The Southwest Conservation Corps will perform extensive reconstruction of the bottom portion of the West Cross Creek Trail over two weeks of work.
San Juan National Forest
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation
2018 Community Watershed Stewardship Program
To continue a volunteer, community and partnership-driven stewardship program focusing on trail maintenance, invasive weed mitigation and restoration in Big and Little Cottonwood and Millcreek Canyons.
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest
Eagle River Watershed Council
Turkey Creek Watershed Restoration - Phase II
To build upon previous work by continuing to improve cutthroat trout habitat and watershed health in the Turkey Creek Watershed through the rehabilitation of abandoned roads, associated stream crossings, streambanks and riparian areas.
White River National Forest
Friends of Pathways
Teton Pass Bridge Project
To improve access to the Teton Pass trail system, Friends of Pathways Youth Trail Crew will address bridges and creek crossings that were adversely affected by the record snow load and spring runoff of the 2016-17 winter and spring season.
Bridger-Teton National Forest
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
2018 Forest Recreation & Stewards Program
To continue developing and implementing FDRD's on-the-ground youth and volunteer projects. Goals are to maintain & restore our natural resources, improve the quality of multiple recreationists experience, and minimize the threats to the forest.
White River National Forest
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District
Tenderfoot Mountain Trail System Construction
To construct two miles of trail as part of the Tenderfoot Mountain Trail System in the Dillon Ranger District of the White River National Forest.
White River National Forest
Mesa Youth Services, Inc.
Gore Creek Invasive Plant Partnership
To control and detect/inventory invasive plant infestations occurring on USFS managed lands in the White River National Forest.
White River National Forest
Mesa Youth Services, Inc.
White River National Forest Invasive Plant Control
To apply integrated invasive plant management that will result in enhancing big game winter range, protection of wilderness values, restoring native plant communities and controlling the introduction and spread of noxious weeds.
White River National Forest
Montana Conservation Corps
Black Rock Ranger District Trail Maintenance with Tribal Young Adults
To engage young adults from the Wind River Reservation tribal communities to help open up key access trails in the Moran, WY area.
Bridger-Teton National Forest
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
2018 Volunteer Projects
To engage more than 505 volunteers to accomplish trail and conservation projects in the Aspen/Carbondale and Rifle Ranger Districts in 2017 by organizing and implementing 3 large public projects and 25 Group/Youth Work Days.
White River National Forest
Rocky Mountain Conservancy
2018 Conservation Corps Projects in Sulphur Ranger District
To engage youth and complete conservation projects, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy-Conservation Corps will support a crew focused on trail maintenance and construction in the Sulphur Ranger District of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests.
Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps-Colorado
Youth Leadership to the Pinnacle of Alpine Conservation
To accomplish USFS priorities on nine areas of the White River National Forest over the course of 22 weeks. The RMYC conservation corps and youth corps crews gain valuable skills while completing meaningful service.
White River National Forest
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps-Colorado
Tenderfoot Mountain Trail Construction with Volunteers
To contribute to the Tenderfoot Trail Construction Project on the Dillon Ranger District of the White River National Forest, over the course of two project weeks.
White Mountain National Forest
Student Conservation Association
SCA Wilderness Ranger/Trails Interns for White River National Forest
To recruit and manage four 12-week SCA Conservation Interns to work in Colorado’s White River National Forest, supervised by U.S. Forest Service staff.
White River National Forest
Summit County
White River National Forest Invasive Species Control
To reduce and eradicate noxious weeds on USFS properties located in Summit County Colorado to prevent displacement of native plants and wildlife.
White River National Forest
Trails 2000
West Cross Creek Trail Rehabilitation
To engage two volunteer crews to assist in the effort to realign and connect the West Cross Creek Trail System including clearing trees, grade reversals, and other trail maintenance and rehabilitation.
San Juan National Forest
Trout Unlimited
Sunriver Trails, Elk Habitat and River Restoration Project
To obliterate 2.7 miles of road and trail by ripping compacted routes to provide for water infiltration and preparation of a seed bed, placing debris onto the ripped routes, and engaging the local community.
Deschutes National Forest
Trout Unlimited
Mountain Pride Mine Restoration Project
To restore the Mountain Pride Mine site by reducing surface water and mine waste interaction, establishing native vegetation on site, and improving the experience of recreational users by mitigating hazards through trail realignment.
White River National Forest
Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association
Eagle County Adopt a Trail
To fund a contracted employee who will work for Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association (VVMBA) and lead trail maintenance and restoration projects on trails in Eagle County.
White River National Forest
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
2018 White River NF Volunteer Stewardship Projects
To expand outdoor recreation and protect ecosystems in the White River NF, 265 volunteers will tackle five stewardship projects. The projects will expand trail connectivity, access, and safety, as well as reduce ecosystem and habitat damage.
White River National Forest
Walking Mountains Science Center
Natural Resource Internship and Community Conservation Program
To partner with the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District in restoring and enhancing landscapes while engaging interns and local volunteers.
White River National Forest
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Masontown Trail Community Restoration Project
To reroute & restore sections of the Masontown Trail System, and build structures for stream/wetland crossings, using volunteer labor & expertise. This will stop social-trail braiding, demonstrate where visitors should recreate, and heal habitat.
White River National Forest